Thursday, December 26, 2019

Modern Chinese Men s Lifestyle Magazines - 3537 Words

Evaluate the image of the ideal man constructed in contemporary Chinese men’s lifestyle magazines. Introduction The development of Chinese men’s lifestyle magazines was held by back by the government’s strict control until the 1990s (Siyu, 2012). Such magazines are consequently a relatively recent topic of discussion and, as an emerging form of popular culture, they have also begun to exert an increasingly significant influence on what it means to be a man in today’s China (Song and Lee, 2010). This essay will compare the traditional ideal image of the Chinese man, through conventional values such as wen and wu, to identify the ideal man constructed in modern Chinese lifestyle magazines today. If the genders were previously separated from one another through these dichotomies, how does the modern ideal man compare? The ideal man in the Communist era was of an androgynous nature, and thus began a more blurred definition of the constructed gender images. This essay analyses the ‘blurring’ through the idea of ‘metrosexuality’ and uses currently circulated magazines as the foundations of its discussion. Following this, increasing globalisation in the world has produced certain new features of the â€Å"ideal† image (Ji, 2010), which has led to further and more sophisticated gender images in China. This is visible through the analogy of the imported ‘new man’ and ‘new lad’ from the West, specifically from the UK. This will be covered in detail in what follows. The concept ofShow MoreRelatedCoach Concept Of Coach Company1599 Words   |  7 Pagesinternational markets. Coach Incorporated markets a lifestyle to a loyal customer base. At the same time they provide consumers with fresh, compelling, and innovative products that are extremely well made at an attractive price. (Coach Incorporated, 2015) We note that in their responses to customer demands for both fashion and function, Coach Incorporated offers various styles and product categories. Coach Incorporated presents a sophisticated, modern, and inviting image for their products and thisRead MoreWhat Is the Difference Between Sex and Gender?1974 Words   |  8 Pagesmore recently in modern society gender theorists have argued that gender has ‘merged’. In popular culture, influential figures such as David Beckham and Michael Jackson have often displayed feminine behavior in the way they behave and dress. Metrosexual is the neologism given to a male individual who has a concern for his appearance and lifestyle. Metrosexuality is a concept that explains the modern shift regarding gender sufficiently. Metrosexuality is allowing modern males and womenRead MoreFrankenstein Science Fact Or Science Fiction?1735 Words   |  7 Pageslifeless thing that lay at my feet â€Å" (Shelley 47). He uses dead body parts to make his monster. Victor used a macabre way of organ transplant that involved grave robbing and sowing these rotting corpse parts together to form a â€Å"living† being. In modern day Organ Transplants, they are used to save people by taking organs from living and dead people to save the lives of the living. In the United States of America, the number of people waiting to receive an organ is more than 120,000 people. Of thoseRead MoreStrategy of Playboy8446 Words   |  34 Pagesestablished in 1953, when the Playboy magazine was published for the first time. Since then it became known throughout the world for its centerfold pictures of well-built nude women. During the 1990s, however, the company engaged in diverse operations including television, and the marketing and selling of name-brand retail products (as clothing, liquor, sound systems, and condoms). Nevertheless, the company has always been identified with the flagship Playboy magazine which is currently published in anRead MoreInternational and Global Marketing2862 Words   |  12 Pagesand more particularly with high-end jewellery from the French brand Cartier. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

“The value of higher education is to make men aware of...

â€Å"The value of higher education is to make men aware of what was and what is, to incite them to probe into what might be.† Otto Keppler Mechanical Engineering is an innovative and research oriented field, the broad and diversified application of this branch always fascinated me. I had always wanted to be a part of this field and be able to contribute to the same. The more I learnt about Engineering Management in my under graduation, the more certain I became that a career in this path suits me. Further, I believe that a master’s degree in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering would provide enough opportunities to add to my intellectual knowledge and would be my first step towards creating something innovative and novel During my†¦show more content†¦My undergraduate study was a richly rewarding experience, during which I have participated various Industrial training programs I always believed that curiosity has been the cornerstone of man’s evolution. I had this curiosity and thirst for knowledge in me. Right from my childhood, I was interested in Automobiles. I liked tinkering with objects. I always enjoyed analyzing and understanding the working of Automobiles, starting from experimenting on my toys to fixing my bike. I found ‘Mechanical Engineering’, the only way I can satisfy my quest for knowledge and contribute. Active participation in various programs like Machine Tool designing at CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TOOL DESIGN under Ministry of MSME using various tools like AUTOCAD, CATIA and CNC. These softwares helped me learn the basics of tool designing. I undertook a project on Development of CNC program and manufacture of body for latching unit at BHARAT DYNAMICS LIMITED. This was one of the finest opportunities, where I got a chance to explore and apply the concepts of Mechanical Engineering. Study about various types of missiles and ammunitions, their working and their applications were fascinating. This project taught me how to work with a team. I have tried to shine not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. Was the participant for SPRINGSPREE 2012, a national level technical festival at National Institute of Technology Warangal. Organizing college cultural Show MoreRelated Traditions and Values of Western Culture Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesTraditions and Values of Western Culture missing works cited History is a part of everyones lives. We exist today because of our history. People who lived before our time fought for the rights that many individuals take for granted. Especially for an individual to appreciate life, one must be fully aware of the past, so one could truly appreciate their existence today and the freedom they have. So when the question arises on whether or not Colleges and universities serve to pass on to studentsRead More Visualization Essay1858 Words   |  8 Pagesother senses. For the verb ‘hear’, the noun ‘sound’ is associated with it while the verb ‘see’ has no common noun. It may be, for those things we do see, our language is rich enough that there is no need for any intermediary term to describe what we see than what we hear, touch, smell, or taste. ‘Seeing’ depends on the distinctions we typically use in language. In order to describe our visual experiences, we must first establish in an appropriate la nguage. Language seems to enter into our ‘seeing’ moreRead MoreA Woman’s Role: Prehistoric and Beyond Essays2642 Words   |  11 Pagesand men both probably foraged for edible foods and probably hunted together in pairs I would guess. Since groups were small I imagine roles were shared equally. As the groups became larger, more organized and more advanced in agriculture, gender roles probably became more prominent. In early times, a woman’s primary role became childbearing and keeping the home environment, whether it be in a cave, mud hut or other structure. Like today’s women, they were probably weaker physically than men. ThisRead MoreCase Study - Harley Davidson4387 Words   |  18 PagesBACKGROUND Harley Davidson was created in 1903 by William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when the first Harley-Davidson motorcycle became available to the public. Arthur’s brother’s Walter and William later joined Harley and Davidson’s efforts. Four years later, on September 17, 1907, Harley Davidson was incorporated and the stock was split four ways between the four founders. Staff had doubled from 1906 to eighteen employees and the factory size was also doubled. 1907 also markedRead MoreLee Kuan Yew - Singapore Prime Minister6837 Words   |  28 Pagesand served as its first Prime Minister. He was regularly re-elected from 1959 until he stepped down in 1990. Lee Kuan Yew was educated in England, and under his guidance Singapore became a financial and industrial powerhouse despite a lack of abundant natural resources. Lee ruled with ultimate authority, and his zeal for law and order was legendary. In 1990, he stepped down (though he remained in the cabinet as Senior Minister and now Minister Mentor) and was succeeded as Prime Minister by Goh ChokRead MoreCase Study Counseling Plan4198 Words   |  17 PagesCase Study Counseling Plan u08a1 Assignment Brenda J. Owens COUN 5225 – Human Sexuality Abstract The case study of Sara and Amy was selected to develop a counseling plan. This couple is in a lesbian and bi-racial relationship, Sara is Caucasian and in her early thirties and Amy is African American and in her late thirties. This couple has lived together for 1year and resides far away from both of their families of origin. 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The emphasis of Gosford All Blacks places premium self-esteem, confidence, and character by stressing the values of teamwork and sportsmanship through hard work during tournaments, games, and other skills. The Mission The mission of Gosford All BlacksRead MoreMotivational Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction11187 Words   |  45 Pagesof the organization if they are not properly motivated, and in effect create job dissatisfaction of employees. A well-motivated person works harder and perseveres longer than an unmotivated one. A person level of intensity and persistence is higher because motivation energizes his behavior and gives the direction. It is very similar to the vector quantity in physics, it has both magnitude and direction. In the total workforce, almost all human behavior is motivated and caused and directed, meaningRead MoreThe World Is Flat8659 Words   |  35 Pagesthroughout the text. Orly and Natalie Friedman’s daughters, whom he references throughout the text. | | | | David Ricardo He is the Ricardo to whom Friedman refers in the subtitle of Chapter 5, â€Å"Is Ricardo Still Right?.† Ricardo (1772-1823) â€Å"was an English economist who developed the free-trade theory of comparative advantage, which stipulates that if each nation specializes in the production of goods in which it has a comparative cost advantage and then trades with other nations for the goods

Monday, December 9, 2019

Declaration of Sentiments free essay sample

The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments were similar structured documents that shared some alike ideas but weren’t written to express the same issues and complaints. Both documents state how the people they are representing have been mistreated, and deprived of the basic human rights every human deserves. The Declaration of Independence was written for all American people with grievances against the king. Not only is the Declaration of Independence a historical document, but it is also a persuasive masterpiece that thoroughly convinces its audience of the extreme importance of America needing to separate from Britain. The Declaration of Sentiment was written mainly for women to be treated equally as they wrote in the Declaration of Independence that natural rights are important, and people should be treated equally.In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson makes his position clear to the colonists and the world by using persuasive appeals, syntax and diction. We will write a custom essay sample on Declaration of Sentiments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The main purpose of writing this document was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate and gain independence from Great Britain. In this document, Jefferson uses syntax in his quotes to explain to the audience that all men are created equally and have natural equal rights. He uses pathos to get people’s attention and people’s emotions. Throughout the text he uses logos to give the people a logical reason of why they should get independence from Great Britain and make them come to their senses. The tone of this document was very aggressive and rebellious.The Declaration of Sentiments used the same format as the Declaration of Independence to stress to the people that women were created equally too and they were tired and fed up with being owned by men or a 2nd option. She also used the same format in hopes that women could be freed and gain independence from men. The writers are speaking to the government and men throughout the country to get the same attention as the colonists getting independence from Great Britain. The author of this documents used several rhetorical strategies to establish Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in her delivery, text, and audience.

Monday, December 2, 2019

There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio Review Essay Example

There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio Review Paper Essay on There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio What can I nurtured on tales of Gianni Rodari and in love with this Italian from the very childhood, to tell about it? Is he a fan of fairy tales, the genius of satire and just ducky. And this remarkable book publishing remarkable proof of this theorem playfully Well, Wonders of the core of San Giulio. a fairy tale, recommended reading for all self-respecting and having a sense of humor for adults. The plot is somewhat confused and allegorical, how it should be a fantastic story: one elderly uncle with hundreds of other ailments, found the same way to get down from his deathbed and jump skipping to complete rejuvenation. And the solution was simple to hire a few servants, who continually will repeat his name, prolonging his life and giving him eternal youth. But then came rodstvennichki, and as usual, decided to spoil the blood cheerful uncle. And then the story began to spin, spun and ran. Well, Ill be all you talk, its better to read the book yourself. Gianni Rodaris worth it. We will write a custom essay sample on There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on There was a double Baron Lambert, or Wonders of the island of San Giulio Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And, Well, if cops knew what they were doing, then I am ready to endlessly repeat the name abaldenny Italian who gave us their works, like fireworks and a helicopter from which strewed popsicle! Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari Gianni Rodari A single word I will say about the publication. Very stylish and fun to get knizhentsiya. And illustrations! Illustration a miracle. Playful, to match the story. Ogospadi! How am I glad that we have at least one publisher with a sense of taste), I bow to the publisher Livebooks! Such and should have this book.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Monsoon

Dust and yellow mustard fields. Single file coconut trees lining the muddy edges of rice paddies. Green shoots of rice in watery mud. The grainy edges of the Indian sun. Barefoot men bent under baskets full of sugar cane, walking single file. Heat beating down in wobbled yellow lines. And dust. On a long ride, scenery through the window of a car repeats and reverses itself: India came in flips and flashes, as the big, black car streamed across West Bengal, from Calcutta to the coastal town of Digha. We were still miles away from a summer holiday at the sea-beach. My legs were stuck to each other. Sweat dripped from my collarbone to my waist. Late August in a tropical country emits a feeling of endings. The heat should fade. The monsoon rains sputter. It is the last chance to lie under a fan, draw a picture, have orange biscuits and tea with milk. That summer I had just turned twelve. I played hide and seek and tag on the rooftop of our house in Calcutta in my bare feet. I hiked up my long skirt so I could run faster†¦ and let the skin of my bare legs flash for one extra second. The boys next door would pretend not to watch. And I liked how it made me want to smile. I was young enough to play. I was old enough to play. There was no difference. I spent the ride to Digha hanging out the window. Our parents were behind us somewhere. There were only children in this car, and our driver blasted the radio for us. â€Å"People people everywhere, everywhere, everywhere,† a Bengali rapper spit in English, and we sang along. When we hit the towns and got caught between a cow, a motorcycle, and street vendors with bright plastic baskets, my friend, Amrita, and I had no complaints. We tossed sultry smiles and waved. I had light skin and hair. Amrita had my American sunglasses perched on her narrow sixteen-year-old face. The young men defiantly fixed their eyes on ours. We laughed and ducked down on the hot vinyl seats. The plastic felt like it ... Free Essays on Monsoon Free Essays on Monsoon Dust and yellow mustard fields. Single file coconut trees lining the muddy edges of rice paddies. Green shoots of rice in watery mud. The grainy edges of the Indian sun. Barefoot men bent under baskets full of sugar cane, walking single file. Heat beating down in wobbled yellow lines. And dust. On a long ride, scenery through the window of a car repeats and reverses itself: India came in flips and flashes, as the big, black car streamed across West Bengal, from Calcutta to the coastal town of Digha. We were still miles away from a summer holiday at the sea-beach. My legs were stuck to each other. Sweat dripped from my collarbone to my waist. Late August in a tropical country emits a feeling of endings. The heat should fade. The monsoon rains sputter. It is the last chance to lie under a fan, draw a picture, have orange biscuits and tea with milk. That summer I had just turned twelve. I played hide and seek and tag on the rooftop of our house in Calcutta in my bare feet. I hiked up my long skirt so I could run faster†¦ and let the skin of my bare legs flash for one extra second. The boys next door would pretend not to watch. And I liked how it made me want to smile. I was young enough to play. I was old enough to play. There was no difference. I spent the ride to Digha hanging out the window. Our parents were behind us somewhere. There were only children in this car, and our driver blasted the radio for us. â€Å"People people everywhere, everywhere, everywhere,† a Bengali rapper spit in English, and we sang along. When we hit the towns and got caught between a cow, a motorcycle, and street vendors with bright plastic baskets, my friend, Amrita, and I had no complaints. We tossed sultry smiles and waved. I had light skin and hair. Amrita had my American sunglasses perched on her narrow sixteen-year-old face. The young men defiantly fixed their eyes on ours. We laughed and ducked down on the hot vinyl seats. The plastic felt like it ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Find Adult Education and Earn a GED in Michigan

How to Find Adult Education and Earn a GED in Michigan You may be pleasantly surprised to find some refreshingly unusual education opportunities for adults on the Education page at It takes a few clicks to find these treasures. From the main landing page, click on the Education tab at the top, and then on Students on the left navigation bar. On the Students page, click on Adult Learning on the right navigation bar, under Timely Topics for Students. Here you will find links to wonderful and unexpected programs like Becoming an Outdoors Woman, getting work as a Seasonal Farm Worker, and help for the blind at the Commission for the Blind. There is also a link for the Michigan Historical Museum Volunteer Program/Docent Guild, a fantastic way for lifelong learners to share their love of history, knowledge of the local areas, and hard-earned wisdom. College Career Prep Under the College Career Prep heading, there are links for the more traditional kinds of adult education. Unfortunately, at the time of this publishing, the link for Adult Education Resource Center simply takes you back to the Education landing page. The Michigan Career Portal link does take you to a new site focused on helping Michigan citizens find jobs, from management careers to skilled trades. There is a counter that shows Michigan has more than 90,000 jobs available! Use the search box to find the jobs appropriate for you. On the Career Explorer tab on this page, youll find helpful tools for assessing and developing your skills, and a very interesting opportunity under the Career Jump Start tab to work with a liaison who can point you in the right direction. There are 10 of them, each assigned to a region of the state. Contact info for each is at the bottom of the Career Jump Start page. Earning Your GED in Michigan Sadly, the GED link at the bottom of the Education/Students page opens a PDF that does not appear to be current, and it is the only apparent link for GED information. The best way to find GED information at is to search for GED in the search box at the top of the page. The first result is a link to the Michigan Workforce Development Agency, which oversees this aspect of adult education in Michigan. When GED and high school equivalency testing options became available in the United States on January 1, 2014, Michigan chose to continue its partnership with GED Testing Service, which now offers a computer-based GED test. Your best option for information is to visit GED Testing Service, where you can find testing centers in your own county. In March of 2015, the state transitioned from paper transcripts and certificates to a paperless, web-based credentialing system. Its an easier, much faster way to receive your credentials, and they can be easily forwarded to schools and potential employers in Michigan. This is a state credentialing service, not national. You can still get a paper copy if you desire. There may be a small fee. Registered Apprenticeship If you are looking to develop skills in a particular trade, you will want to be sure to visit the Registered Apprenticeship page, also found on the Michigan Workforce Development Agency site. Opportunities are available in skilled trades, energy, health care, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. If you participate in this program, youll receive extensive on-the-job training under supervision in addition to classroom education. Youll find addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for the people to contact. Return to the list of states.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A close reading of Life is a dream by Pedro Calderon De La Barca. What Essay

A close reading of Life is a dream by Pedro Calderon De La Barca. What does this tell you about the nature of Spanish society, about its values, social mores, expectations, political culture - Essay Example jailer of Segismund said in the play, â€Å"Dreams are rough copies of the waking soul.†1 Therefore, what people dreamed about was not necessarily in vain. They were having dreams for a reason. With the idea that life was a dream, De La Barca was playing with notions of whether the consciousness present in life actually existed in Golden Age Spain. De La Barca, in his play, predicted that Segismund would one day grow up to revolt against his father the King. In chaining Segismund to the floor in a prison, he thought that he could keep his son sequestered, far enough away so that he could not hurt the King. However, this sense of fatalism that the King had felt in terms of his son growing up in the future to one day kill him, scared the King so much that he decided to do something about it (by chaining up his son). However, as one shall see, the idea of fatalism is a key Spanish value that we shall examine in the next portion which we will be reading. Spanish values included an unshakeable sense of fatalism, as Segismund speaks about the illusion and reality present in life—a dualism, if one will. He also speaks of the inevitable end of the world with precocious wit, intimating with a fatalistic sense that his suffering is only temporary. The Spanish people also believed very much in destiny (â€Å"el destino†) and how it related to their outlooks on life. Believing in destiny, many people in Spanish culture had the specific idea that one was supposed to be somewhere at a specific time in order to fulfill their destinies. As Segismund describes in this soliloquy, With the idea that values were important in Golden Age Spain—as well can one imagine—also important was the idea of having social mores. These were prescriptive ideals which were vanguards of the values of the people, which will now be discussed at length. Spanish social mores in the Golden Age were very strict. That is why the King warned Segismund once he approached the kingdom with

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Archetypal and mythic patterns in the Titanic Movie Review

Archetypal and mythic patterns in the Titanic - Movie Review Example The Titanic was released in 1997 and became one of the most celebrated motion pictures to have been made. It was honored with four Golden Globe awards besides the Producer Guild of America Award and Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director being prominent amongst countless more nominations and awards.This paper shall highlight the archetypal and mythic patterns in the movie that contributed to the exponential success that the movie attained (.The titanic constituted of a lengthy cast which comprised of actors and actresses playing the characters of fictional characters on the ship as well as a few who represented the real people who were present on the ship. Notable leads in the cast included Leonardo Di Caprio as a fictional character who is a penniless man with nothing to lose and lives life as it comes forth, Kate Winslet as a fictional character who a young girl belonging to the upper class and has the fervor to break free of the hassles of a rich life but lacks the courage to d o so, Billy Zane as fianc to Kate Winslet's character, Frances Fisher as Kate Winslet's character's widowed mother, Victor Garber as Thomas Andrews Junior who was in reality present on the ship when it sailed and was the ship's builder, as well as Gloria Stuart, Bernard Hill and Bill Paxton playing fictional characters as well. However, it was the fact of knowing that a few of the members of the cast had actually once existed and had been involved in the actions shown in the movie that was the reason for the continuous attention that the movie captured.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Literature ans society Essay Example for Free

Literature ans society Essay The literature of an age, and its social set up keeping and reacting one over the other. Literature influences the society; society is reflected in Literature and in this way, in all languages and at all times there has been a close interaction between the two. Literature of any age cannot escape the influence of the social scene and therefore is found reflecting the society of the age when it is created. The poet, the dramatist, the novelist, the essayist are all the product of their age and their-age openly and clearly gets imaged in their compositions. That cannot be helped, it so seems. Take  the example of two literatures — English and Hindi. Chaucer is called the father of English poetry and actually English literature in its form and language which kept on developing and improving, begins from him. His most representative work is the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales and then the Canterbury Tales. All the characters painted in these tales are the true representation of the types of such people as they were in his times. While Chaucer is a reflector of those characters and their types of his age — he is virtually and truly described as the chronicler of his age — his characters whether a  Knight; the Prioress; the monk, the fat fryer, the sailor, the squire, the priest — all are truly the representatives of their types in the contemporary society as they actually were. Chaucer is a painter as well as a critic of his society. Shakespeare — the greatest dramatist of English language — one of the greatest of all languages brings in ‘ghosts’, ‘witches’, and ‘courtier’ and ‘fools’ in his plays which were as per the liking of his audience and a part of the English Society of his times. That is what is rightly said about Shakespeare that in addition to the normal three ‘unities’—  Time, Place and Action in drama, he brought about the fourth unity — ‘unity with the people’. That encomium clearly Shakespeare being influenced by the society of his age and in his plays he, though never gave any message or pronounced any philosophy, but that is always there — the triumph of the good over the evil. This was the message that was most needed to his age after all that had happened earlier — Henry VIII —the king having been killed, Mary Tudor — a despotic, arrogant, a cruel ruler and then a benevolent, all embracing middle-path follower queen — Queen Elizabeth. As is the king so are the people — is an old but true saying and Shakespeare reflects that hilarious sometimes, but somber and philosophic at the other in his plays. Hulton was very much the product of his age. A truly puritanical person; a deeply religious man, he gave to his age which was battling with belief and disbelief — the message of God’s triumph over Satan. The Eighteenth century of English literature is a true product of the age. The social scene had degenerated into debauchery and license after the Restoration of Charles II who brought along with him all that he had enjoyed during his exile and adjourns in France and the literature of that period reflects all that was happening in the society. Alexander Pope’s ‘Rape of the Lock’ is a reflection of the so-called lascivious high society of and pungent satire too, on all that was too much too bad for the society. Thus Pope is a reflector as a corrector of his age. So are Addison and Steele as essayists. Balzac, Zola, Maupassant of France had cast their influence on every Wycherley, conserve and later Restoration dramatists who had gone to the lowest depth in describing social disparity and this is how literature reflected the age. The French Revolution — a very significant political and social event of Europe had as its basic tenets — Equality, Fraternity and Liberty — and these tenets and the revolution did cast its spell all over Europe and England and the English poets could not escape that influence. Wordsworth was moved by the humanitarian aspect of the revolution in the earlier phase but later its bloodiness and violence disillusioned him and all this is reflected in Wordsworth’s poetry — ‘poet of man’ and in his later poetry. Shelley was moved by the revolution’s ‘spirit’ of revolution and Byron by its fighting spirit. Tennyson was a true representative of the Victorian age and sang of the glories of the Empire while his nature poetry gets influenced by the advancement of Science in the later nineteenth century. He did not remain a ‘priest of nature’ as Wordsworth was because where science advances religion declines. Charles Dickens saw the backside of industrialization — the poor getting Poorer and the rich richer — the sufferings of the poor are ignored and his novels reflect all this. The First World War (1914-19) created a group of who sang of the glories of war, of chivalry and  Sacrifice for the nation and then there is the post w poetry and post-war drama — Bernard Shaw dramatist known for his pungent satire, pricking the balloon of romanticism associated with war heroism and love in his ‘Arms and the Man’. Eliot comes on the literary stage to deal with the utter disillusionment of the age in his ‘Wasteland’ all this about English Literature. Similarly in Hindi Literature, when Prithvi Raj Chauhan was fighting valiantly with Mohammad Gori Chandrabardai — the warrior poet was singing of the glories of war and his hero in his ‘Prithvi Raj Raso’. Then came the Bhakti Kal — the period of Bhakti — the country and the nation had fallen under the Muslim yoke and there were class conflicts on the basis of faith and religion. There came on the literary scene, Kabir, who preached anti-fanaticism; pricked the bloated balloon of superstitions and blind faiths and admonished both ‘mullahs’ and ‘Pandits’ and showed the way of God. Tulsidas found the Hindu society divided into factions ‘Shaivas’ and ‘Vaishnavas’ and showed the path of love, brotherhood and mutual respect for all Gods and presented the ideals of a son, a brother, a wife, and a devotee. The triumph of Ram — the incarnation of the Good over Ravan, the symbol of Evil is an eternal lesson given by him to the society — whose lessons remain revered even till today. The period of comparative social peace created a set of poets who indulged in pleasing their patrons — the Kings — as their courtiers and songsters. Their poetry is full of amorous sports in which they make Krishna a Radha and the Gopis their actors — a very wrong a vitiated depiction — unbecoming of those great. This was done just to gratify their patrons — the sensuous and sensual kings. This is how the social scene was reflecting itself in literature. Then, comes the modern age. The British were ruling India and there were classes close to the ruler and classes suffering at the hands of the officials and at the hands of the so-called elite of the society. There were classes created — the superior, the downtrodden — the imperialists and the nationalists. Prem Chand — the great novelist unravels this class fight in his novels and thereby, not only reflects the society of his times but gives a lesson too. His novels, his short stories — all have a lesson to give. There was Bhartendu Harishchandra — the poet the harbinger of the modern age and thought, who successfully caricatured the classes — social and religious — thus reflecting the social scene with a point to reform it. Thus goes on the scene. Maithili Saran Gupta — the Gandhian poet sings of the glory of Ram, of the glory of Lord Buddha, of the glory of other mythological heroes his thrust throughout being to awaken the masses and enlighten them into cordial social contacts. The national fervor reverberated through the veins of the Psyche under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and poets  after poets, writers after writers sang of the of our ancient land and its culture. Jai Sanker rasad, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, the poets; Dharmvir Shrilal Shukla — the novelists brought into focus the inequalities and imbalances that plagued the social scene and through their thoughtful and sometimes highly satirical way brought to the fore the social and political malaise through which our present generation passing. This true presentation has been with a purpose — to awaken the social conscience to the problems that dog the people. Literature thus has been holding the mirror up to Nature on one hand; reflecting all traditions,  trends and tendencies while rising up the finger of caution too to guard against all that goes against the basic values of life. Literature and Society have remained and shall remain ever intertwined and the more they so remain, the more solid would the foundations be laid for a sustained growth; a well-coordinated growth and a corrected social order Literature has to play its part as a reflector and a corrector of society and society has to inspire men of letters to keep themselves on their guard towards their mission of social good.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Belly Dancing Essay -- Art, Dancing

Hate doing crunches? Do they strain your back and neck muscles? Try belly dancing, it gives you better benefits than the average crunch with less pain. In addition to the physical and emotional benefits, belly dancing also has an impact on child birth and ones creativity in an entertaining manner. The physical benefits of belly dancing are, being able to become healthier, and in better shape. Being out of shape can also affect a person’s emotional-state. Participating in belly dancing can benefit ones self-esteem, and help their emotional well-being. Ones emotional-state can take a toll for the worst or the best when trying to become pregnant. Belly dancing is said to help the chances of a woman trying to become pregnant. Belly dancing also helps the birthing process, and can also help your pelvic muscles after pregnancy. Being pregnant can affect ones choice in attire. Belly dance allows one to become creative through the choreography and also their attire. Belly dancers bri ng out the most of their creativity while performing on stage. Belly dancing is very beneficial to ones physical and emotional state and could also help with the birth process; therefore it should be applied as a creative and entertaining form of daily exercise. Belly dance has physical and health benefits, remember; â€Å"A healthy heart is a happy heart†. According to Pina Coluccia â€Å"Belly Dancing strengthens the heart muscle and stimulates circulation† (Coluccia 84). Belly dancing is considered an aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. â€Å"Belly dancing can be considered a cardiovascular exercise, because it has similar effects as jogging or cycling† (Coluccia 84). Kanina says â€Å"Most of the students that attend my belly dancing classes, use belly dancing as a form o... .... The creativeness of belly dancing is brought out by what the women or men wear, and also where they are performing, and what style of belly dancing they are performing. If a woman is pregnant and is performing she could wear a dress and hide her belly, or she could emphasize her belly and wear a bra and a skirt. Belly dancing depends on the person; if they want to be more physically fit it is a good form of exercise. If a person wants to boost their self-esteem level practicing belly dancing will allow them to come in touch with their spiritual self. Also if a woman wants the birth process to be an easy belly dancing practices the birthing dance or movement. Belly dancing is very beneficial to ones physical and emotional state and could also help with the birth process; therefore it should be applied as a creative and entertaining form of daily exercise.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ikea Management Analysis Essay

Abstract: This article is an analysis of the IKEA’s supply chain. IKEA’s supply chain is globally with sales in more than 250 own stores in 24 countries and 32 external franchisees in 16 countries. It has special supplier management, store design, and warehouse management. IKEA Supply Chain system includes IOS, TSO, material and suppliers, DC and IKEA store. IKEA global planning has seven processes. Sale planning and demand planning are in this article. IKEA’s supply chain was operated really successful, however, it still exist some problems, like lack of central coordination, inaccurate sale forecasts, and high inventory costs. In the end, this article will provide some recommendations to solve those problems. Introduction IKEA, founded in 1943, is one of the best home furniture company in the world whose, and its vision is â€Å"To provide better life for everyone†. IKEA provides modern and fashionable low cost furniture for over 38 countries with 301 stores. It is the largest furniture retail chain in the world and boasts a range of 12000 products, including home furniture, accessories and some other stuff. What’s more, it’s concern for people and environment lead to excellent use of raw material and energy, which result in their green targets and the overall environment. A supply chain is a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, and suppliers that participate in the production, delivery, and sale of a product to the consumer. The supply chain is typically made up of multiple companies who coordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition. A supply chain has three key parts: Supply focuses on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including how, when, and from what location. Manufacturing focuses on converting these raw materials into finished products. Distribution focuses on ensuring these products reach the consumers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses, and retailers. Ikea is a worldwide company and its supply chain also deserves us to study. In this paper we are going to analyze the IKEA’s supply chain in the market and we will also analysis the strategy and plan of the company. In addition, we would give our proposed recommendation in the end. IKEA Supply Chain Strategy IKEA’s supply chain is global with sales in more than 250 own stores in 24 countries and 32 external franchisees in 16 countries. The stores are supplied through 31 distribution countries, or directly from the 1,350 suppliers in more than 50 countries. IKEA’s supply chain consequently has a global spread with both sales and purchasing in all major regions of the world. IKEA’s growth has been tremendous and sales are still growing. Currently IKEA plans to open 10-20 new stores every year with a goal to double sales within the coming five year. Considering the pace of growth in sales, the many stores and warehouses, and the fact that some business areas change up to 30% of its assortment every year, supply chain planning is a real challenge. The supply chain needs tight control and high levels of visibility to keep costs down and avoid obsolete inventory and/or stock outs. The IKEA supply chain is mainly make-to-stock (MTS) and only a few products are made to custo mer orders. Consequently, the entire supply chain is heavily dependent on forecasts. The regions and the stores have traditionally had a strong power and a high degree of local freedom in terms of planning and placing replenishment requests. This has led to a fragmented supply chain planning with local optimization and a lot of manual intervention with plans throughout the supply chain. Furthermore, due to frequent shortage situations some regions have purposely overestimated demand to ensure delivery, which in turn has led to imbalance in terms of demand coverage. Hence, some markets have suffered from stock outs during long periods, whereas other markets have ended up with obsolete inventories. Forecasting has been done on a regional level with approximately 120 users striving for different goals and using different methods. Part of the explanation to this is that IKEA has lacked a common and structured tactical planning of demand and replenishment. In terms of capacity planning, all different parts of the supply chain (stores, warehouses, regions, etc.) tried to optimize its own part of the supply chain, leading to a set of imbalanced supply plans with a low and unstable total throughput with long replenishment times for the supply chain as a whole. IKEA initiated a program (cluster of projects) aiming to taking better control of its supply chain, and enhance performance in terms of delivery service and costs. A new global planning concept was developed and is currently being implemented. Its cornerstones are mutually integrated planning processes, a centralized planning organization, focus on data quality and use of advanced software support. The purpose of this article is to outline IKEA’s global supply chain planning concept and describe the roles of the planning organization, data quality, software support and project and change management in the concept and its implementation. Supply Chain Management of IKEA Supplier Management IKEA has about 1400 suppliers from 33 countries, 64% of them are from European countries, with largest supplier markets in China and Poland. IKEA maintains lasting relationship with suppliers, and it has its own way to select suppliers from worldwide. After decide what product and material to be used, trading offices would find the suppliers in their respective regions and invite bids from them. IKEA has a principle, which is to choose suppliers of lowest cost at the same time, guarantee the quality. By placing orders directly on line, IKEA can always receive the deliveries within one to two weeks. On the other side, they ask suppliers to take inventory, so that suppliers can clearly know about the time, category, and amount of goods they have to fill up. IKEA also asks suppliers to deliver some of the goods straight to their stores, and this kind of managing would possibly save time, energy, and money considerably. They have formed a certain role to evaluate the performance of suppliers and point out standards and grades. Under such pressure, IKEA’s suppliers would be serious about their job and try their best to make sure the goods are of best quality and fastest delivery. By this kind of supplier management, IKEA would absolutely has high efficiency and quality. Store Design IKEA chose its store location on the city outskirts as the company’s stores were large and required huge parking spaces because IKEA realized that its customers were visiting stores in their cars. There is a typical feature of IKEA stores. [pic] The picture above is a map of some IKEA stores, in this, one can obviously see that customers entered into the stores, they would follow the arrow printed on the floor, and see through all products they exhibit. This kind of layout is called Racetrack layout, which has a main section that directs towards various section of the store, loops through the store and returns customers to the front of the store. It draws customers around the store and is commonly used in department stores. IKEA uses this to encourage customer to explore and move around IKEA at ease. The Racetrack Layout leads customers throughout the whole IKEA passing through different department. It makes sure that no section is missed out as the Racetrack Layout is design in a way that customer will have to follow the path in order to get to the end. The Loop allows customer to have different viewing angles and to catch a glance of every item in the store within a look. This encourages exploration and impulse buying. Thus this is strategic for IKEA as to capture customers. Warehouse Management IKEA has large warehouses like â€Å"DC008†, it has 19 input doors and 22 output doors. This separation makes the warehouse operation more effective. In the warehouses, there are many forklifts and they run fast and flexible. This also improves efficiency. Besides, IKEA seriously considered the safety of warehouses. It built a perfect security system. If some materials are not in right position, the red light will turn on and there will be an alarm ringing. Another significant warehouse management is space management. A system numbers every area, and all of them will be in the computers, so workers can clearly see wherever there is a vacancy. That ensures turn-around speed. The WMS (Warehouse Management System) in IKEA is so mature that it is used in every warehouse of IKEA’s. However, now IKEA need to figure out how to reduce inventory in order to save money. As for IKEA, there is a special kind of warehouse, which is self-serve warehouse. It is just in stores and keeps some inventory to give customers more choices. It can as well make customers enjoy pleasant about self-purchase. IKEA Supply Chain IKEA Supply Chain System (From the tree to the living room) IKEA is one of the leading home furnishing companies in the world and is expanding globally and fast gaining market share. Also IKEA’s supply chain has a global spread with both sales and purchasing in all major regions of the world. In IKEA Supply Chain system, firstï ¼Å'IOS is IKEA of Sweden, where decisions are made, such as the number of items, purchasing, suppliers, distribution, store coordination, and so on. Second, TSO (Trading), trading is responsible for the relationship with suppliers. Within trading there are 43 trading service offices in Europe, Asia and North America. Third is material and suppliers. They provide raw materials and manufacture the products. Co-workers in this area form a bridge between the factory floor and the products on the shelves at IKEA stores. They are responsible for ensuring reliable production methods that lead to high quality results, but which at the same time involve the min imum waste and maximum efficiency. Although not the most visible role within IKEA, this area is incredibly important for the company. The suppliers of IKEA and the good relations IKEA enjoy with them are among the company’s greatest assets. Fourth, in DC (Distribution centers), trucks, boats and trains are all needed to move products around. Coordinating these different means of transport to make the movement of goods as quick and efficient as possible is a real art. And DC are not enough just to make sure the goods arrive at the right stores and customers at the right time; they must also arrive in good shape, ready to be sold at the lowest possible price. Fifth is store. IKEA has more than 250 own stores in 24 countries and 32 external franchisees in 16 countries. To simplify, chart 1 shows the whole IKEA Supply Chain system described above. [pic] Chart1 IKEA Supply Chain system Moreover, in fifth part, In-store Logistics are also an important part in IKEA supply chain. In-store Logistics have seven steps (chart 2): Step1, create commitment with clear and qualified goods. Step2, develop an in-store logistics organization based on knowledge and competence. Step3, create balance between the space to range relation. Step4, place rational and correct orders. Step5, sales space management. Step6, establish routines for the most efficient goods flow. Step7, follow-up on performance. [pic] Chart 2 IKEA Supply Chain-In-store Logistics IKEA Supply Chain Planning Planning Concept Overview. According to IKEA’s characters, such as offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design and function and provide low prices, Ikea’s supply chain is in constant flux, with improvements being made whenever they are required or new technology appears. But generally, Ikea’s supply chain is mainly make-to-stock (MTS) and only a few products are made to customer orders. Consequently, the entire supply chain is heavily dependent on forecasts. IKEA focus on all forecasting activities and need calculations to control the entire supply chain inventory levels and replenishment. The global planning process (Chart1) is made by the central function of IKEA of Sweden. From the IKEA’s global supply chain planning (Chart1), we can figure out there are seven major processes (1) Sale planning; (2) Demand planning; (3) Need planning; (4) Supplier capacity planning; (5) The distribution supply chain planning (transport, warehouse, and store planning; 5a-c) and (7) Replenishment orders. In the following, we will talk about the processes separately into more details. But we will only focus on two parts Sales planning and Demand planning. [pic] Chart1 IKEA’s global supply chain planning concept and planning processes. Sales planning. The first step of sales planning is the corporate management of IKEA makes the overall sales forecast. The forecast is made on an aggregate level in terms of total sales volumes in monetary units for IKEA in total. It shows the expected sales increase in percentages. Ikea’s sales plan will be updated three times a year. The forecast is mainly determined by the strategic marketing plan and the remaining part of the current fiscal year plus five years into the future. So the current strategic business plan of Ikea is important for sales planning. At the end of the sales planning process, in order to achieve the business areas’ growth plans and expectation for the future, Demand Planners at IKEA of Sweden provide the data and information of forecasts for each of the business areas. Demand planning. In Ikea, there are 32 Demand Planners work in the tactical demand planning process, each one responsible for forecasting a certain part. The tactical forecast attach to IKEA of Sweden and is done on a rolling 84 weeks, with new historical sales data loaded once a week. In the end the forecasts on store levels are aggregated, reconciled, and compared with the sales frames on the retail forecast group level and on the distribution services region level. IKEA also has Retail Forecast Group, including one to several stores located geographically close to each other. In Europe, a retail Forecast Group normally corresponds to a country. IKEA in different countries own the right to have local event and activities. But, to let Demand Planners review the forecast on the regional level each week, the specific activity plans must be told at least six months in advance. In case that the forecast deviates considerably from actual sales, the Demand Planner looks for the reason and adjusts the sales figures or forecast model accordingly. Problems Lack of Central Coordination All we know IKEA is a hug international company. It provides modern and fashionable low cost furniture for over 38 countries with 301 stores. It emphasizes on local autonomy rather than a centralized coordinator. This method is easier for regions and store to plan and replenishes their own inventories. However, it also causes hundreds of subsystems inside the IKEA. Those subsystems include product design system from the headquarters; orders to suppliers system, orders to transport to the mall system, store management system and some accessory systems in each region or store. There are at least four hundreds complex subsystems inside the IKEA. These system’s databases is not well integrated, and do not have unified communications platform, that resulting in information separation, the low quality of information transmission, it is not conducive to the efficient operation of the supply chain. Lack of Accurate Sale Forecasts Due to changes in demand, sales forecasts data of the Swedish headquarters get deviation, if the forecasting data is bigger than the real, and this led to the warehouse overstock directly. If the mangers do not adjust the place orders plan that will cause serious problems by global warehouse overstock, retail shopping centers will immediately face to increase sales efforts to absorb the backlogged inventory. The other hand, in order to avoid some seasonal items out of stock, IKEA place large quantities of orders to suppliers, the mall immediately changed the stage from the under stock to overstock, However, the shopping center cannot sell them all, therefore, pass the season, there are still a lot of inventory backlog. Inventory Costs are too high IKEA purchases and sales too much, and often use the strategy of expand the inventory to cope with the uncertainty situation. IKEA worried about the inventory cannot be well satisfied the needs of the shopping centers, and if IKEA keep a low inventory level, it will increase the risk of lost sales opportunities, Therefore, IKEA maintain a high level of inventory to avoid the risk of under stock, That cause the shopping malls, the distribution center, and the central warehouse to maintain a considerable amount of inventory. Recommendations The urgent need for IKEA is to spend a large investment in the supply chain systems integration, make a great effort to integrate internal business systems, to achieve the company internal information sharing, built unified communications platform to make sure each subsystem can easy get the information from others, particular in transportation information and warehousing information. Ultimately achieve the comprehensive integration of manufacture, procurement, inventory, sales, financial and human resources management, logistics. That can make the ideal supply chain operations to become a reality. The supply chain systems integration can make each subsystems get the other subsystems information easily that really helpful for IKEA to forecast the sales in the future. In addition, IKEA also can get information from the date of the past sales, the public economic information, from customer and from suppliers. The supply chain systems integration also can help IKEA use those two strategies to reduce the cost of inventory. Firstly, IKEA requires the supplier to transport the production directly to the shopping malls, omitting the middle stage of the warehouse storage and handling. Use this strategy, IKEA do not have to establish the inventory and also do not have to maintain a safety stock to satisfy the demand of the shopping center. The delivery period becomes short, and easy to control. It also reduces the broken rate of the goods that ultimately improve the service level of the mall shopping centers. Secondly, IKEA also can use the strategy of vendor-managed inventory. It means suppliers according to IKEA’s the actual sales demand and safety inventory requirements to place the order to them. This strategy requires mutual trust between IKEA and supplier. IKEA can establish appropriate oversight mechanisms to make this strategy works well. This strategy can make both the IKEA and the suppliers’ benefit. References Laura Spinney (2011) The secret of IKEA’s success: we do the hard work, New scientist. Retrieved from: Jonsson, P. and Gustavsson, M. (2008) â€Å"The impact of supply chain relationships and automatic data communication and registration on forecast information quality†, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38 (4), 280-295. Steve Banker (2009 Nov) In-Store Logistics at IKEA. Retrieved from: IKEA’s Cost Efficient Supply Chain. Retrieved from NYP IKEA: Merchandising Presentation and Store Design (Part 3), May 18 2012. Retrieved from Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudbergochï ¼Å'Stefan HolmbergGlobal, Supply chain planning at IKEA, Retrieved from _Holmberg_08.pdf Ikea supply chain-from the tree to the living room, Retrieved from–from-the-tree-to-the-living-room â€Å"IKEA | Purchasing.† IKEA | Purchasing. Web. 17 May 2012. Retrieved from Ikea, Retrieved from â€Å"† YouTube. YouTube, 15 Feb. 2010. Web. 18 May 2012. SWOT Analysis and Sustainable Business Planning An IKEA Case Study.† Weaknesses and Threats. Web. 18 May 2012. â€Å"IKEA Distribution Improves Supply Chain Management.† IKEA Distribution Improves Supply Chain Management. Web. 18 May 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Twelve

A voice spoke as Elena reached for a can on the store shelf. â€Å"Cranberry sauce already?† Elena looked up. â€Å"Hi, Matt. Yes, Aunt Judith likes to do a preview the Sunday before Thanksgiving, remember? If she practices, there's less chance she'll do something terrible.† â€Å"Like forgetting to buy the cranberry sauce until fifteen minutes before dinner?† â€Å"Until five minutes before dinner,† said Elena, consulting her watch, and Matt laughed. It was a good sound, and one Elena hadn't heard for too long. She moved on toward the check-out stand, but after she'd paid for her purchase she hesitated, looking back. Matt was standing by the magazine rack, apparently absorbed, but there was something about the slope of his shoulders that made her want to go to him. She poked a finger at his magazine. â€Å"What areyou doing for dinner?† she said. When he glanced uncertainly toward the front of the store, she added, â€Å"Bonnie's waiting out in the car; she'll be there. Other than that it's just the family. And Robert, of course; he should be there by now.† She meant that Stefan wasn't coming. She still wasn't sure how things were between Matt and Stefan these days. At least they spoke to each other. â€Å"I'm fending for myself tonight; Mom's not feeling so hot,† he said. But then, as if to change the subject, he went on, â€Å"Where's Meredith?† â€Å"With her family, visiting some relatives or something.† Elena was vague because Meredith had been Aunt Judith's cooking?† â€Å"For old times' sake?† â€Å"For oldfriends' sake,† said Elena after a moment's hesitation, and smiled at him. He blinked and looked away. â€Å"How can I refuse an invitation like that?† he said in an oddly muted voice. But when he put the magazine back and followed her out he was smiling, too. Bonnie greeted him cheerfully, and when they got home Aunt Judith looked pleased to see him come into the kitchen. â€Å"Dinner's almost ready,† she said, taking the grocery bag from Elena. â€Å"Robert got here a few minutes ago. Why don't you go straight on back to the dining room? Oh, and get another chair, Elena. Matt makes seven.† â€Å"Six, Aunt Judith,† said Elena, amused. â€Å"You and Robert, me and Margaret, Matt and Bonnie.† â€Å"Yes, dear, but Robert's brought a guest, too. They're already sitting down.† Elena registered the words just as she stepped through the dining room door, but there was an instant's delay before her mind reacted to them. Even so, sheknew; stepping through that door, she somehow knew what was waiting for her. Robert was standing there, fiddling with a bottle of white wine and looking jovial. And sitting at the table, on the far side of the autumn centerpiece and the tall lighted candles, was Damon. Elena realized she'd stopped moving when Bonnie ran into her from behind. Then she forced her legs into action. Her mind wasn't as obedient; it remained frozen. â€Å"Ah, Elena,† Robert said, holding out a hand. â€Å"This is Elena, the girl I was telling you about,† he said to Damon. â€Å"Elena, this is Damon†¦ ah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Smith,† said Damon. â€Å"Oh, yes. He's from my alma mater, William and Mary, and I just ran into him outside the drugstore. Since he was looking for some place to eat, I invited him along here for a home-cooked meal. Damon, these are some friends of Elena's, Matt and Bonnie.† â€Å"Hi,† said Matt. Bonnie just stared; then, she swung enormous eyes on Elena. Elena was trying to get a grip on herself. She didn't know whether to shriek, march out of the room, or throw the glass of wine Robert was pouring in Damon's face. She was too angry, for the moment, to be frightened. Matt went to bring in a chair from the living room. Elena wondered at his casual acceptance of Damon, and then realized he hadn't been at Alaric's party. He wouldn't know what had happened there between Stefan and the â€Å"visitor from college.† Bonnie, though, looked ready to panic. She was gazing at Elena imploringly. Damon had risen and was Before Elena could come up with a response, she heard Margaret's high little voice in the doorway. â€Å"Matt, do you want to see my kitty? Aunt Judith says I can keep her. I'm going to call her Snowball.† Elena turned, fired with an idea. â€Å"She's cute,† Matt was saying obligingly, bending over the little mound of white fur in Margaret's arms. He looked startled as Elena unceremoniously grabbed the kitten from under his nose. â€Å"Here, Margaret, let's show your kitty to Robert's friend,† she said, and thrust the fluffy bundle into Damon's face, all but throwing it at him. Pandemonium ensued. Snowball swelled to twice her normal size as her fur stood on end. She made a noise like water dropped on a red-hot griddle and then she was a snarling, spitting cyclone that clawed Elena, swiped at Damon, and ricocheted off the walls before tearing out of the room. For an instant, Elena had the satisfaction of seeing Damon's night black eyes slightly wider than usual. Then the lids drooped down, hooding them again, and Elena turned to face the reaction of the other occupants of the room. Margaret was just opening her mouth for a steam engine wail. Robert was trying to forestall it, hustling her off to find the cat. Bonnie had her back pressed flat against the wall, looking desperate. Matt and Aunt Judith, who was peering in from the kitchen, just looked appalled. â€Å"I guess you don't have a way with animals,† she said to Damon, and took her seat at the table. She nodded to Bonnie who reluctantly peeled herself off the wall and scuttled for her own seat before Damon could touch the chair. Bonnie's brown eyes slid around to follow him as he sat down in turn. After a few minutes, Robert reappeared with a tear-stained Margaret and frowned sternly at Elena. Matt pushed his own chair in silently although his eyebrows were in his hair. As Aunt Judith arrived and the meal began, Elena looked up and down the table. A bright haze seemed to lie over everything, and she had a feeling of unreality, but the scene itself looked almost unbelievably wholesome, like something out of a commercial. Just your average family sitting down to eat turkey, she thought. One slightly flustered maiden aunt, worried that the peas will be mushy and the rolls burnt, one comfortable uncle-to-be, one golden-haired teenage niece and her tow-headed baby sister. One blue-eyed boy-next-door type, one spritely girlfriend, one gorgeous vampire passing the candied yams. A typical American household. Bonnie spent the first half of the meal telegraphing â€Å"What do I do?† messages to Elena with her eyes. But when all Elena telegraphed back was â€Å"Nothing,† she apparently decided to abandon herself to her fate. She began to eat. Elena had no idea what to do. To be trapped tike this was an insult, a humiliation, and Damon knew it. He had Aunt Judith and Robert dazzled, though, with compliments about the meal and light chat about William and Mary. Even Margaret was smiling at him now, and soon enough Bonnie would go under. â€Å"Fell's Church is having its Founders' Day celebration next week,† Aunt Judith informed Damon, her thin cheeks faintly pink. â€Å"It would be so nice if you could come back for that.† Aunt Judith looked pleased. â€Å"And this year Elena has a big part in it. She's been chosen to represent the Spirit of Fell's Church.† â€Å"You must be proud of her,† said Damon. â€Å"Oh, we are,† Aunt Judith said. â€Å"So you'll try to come then?† Elena broke in, buttering a roll furiously. â€Å"I've heard some news about Vickie,† she said. â€Å"You remember, the girl who was attacked.† She looked pointedly at Damon. There was a short silence. Then Damon said, â€Å"I'm afraid I don't know her.† â€Å"Oh, I'm sure you do. About my height, brown eyes, light brown hair†¦ anyway, she's getting worse.† â€Å"Oh, dear,† said Aunt Judith. â€Å"Yes, apparently the doctors can't understand it. She just keeps getting worse and worse, as if the attack was still going on.† Elena kept her eyes on Damon's face as she spoke, but he displayed only a courteous interest. â€Å"Have some more stuffing,† she finished, propelling a bowl at him. â€Å"No thank you. I'll have some more of this, though.† He held a spoonful of jellied cranberry sauce up to one of the candles so that light shone through it. â€Å"It's such a tantalizing color.† Bonnie, like the rest of the people at the table, looked up at the candle when he did this. But Elena noticed she didn't look down again. She remained gazing into the dancing flame, and slowly all expression disappeared from her face. Oh,no , thought Elena, as a tingle of apprehension crept through her limbs. She'd seen that look before. She tried to get Bonnie's attention, but the other girl seemed to see nothing but the candle. â€Å"†¦ and then the elementary children put on a pageant about the town's history,† Aunt Judith was saying to Damon. â€Å"But the ending ceremony is done by older students. Elena, how many seniors will be doing the readings this year?† â€Å"Just three of us.† Elena had to turn to address her aunt, and it was while she was looking at Aunt Judith's smiling face that she heard the voice. â€Å"Death.† Aunt Judith gasped. Robert paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. Elena wished, wildly and absolutely hopelessly, for Meredith. â€Å"Death,† said the voice again. â€Å"Death is in this house.† Elena looked around the table and saw that there was no one to help her. They were all staring at Bonnie, motionless as subjects in a photograph. Bonnie herself was staring into the candle flame. Her face was blank, her eyes wide, as they had been before when this voice spoke through her. Now, those sightless eyes turned toward Elena. â€Å"Your death,† shoulders, lifting her. Bonnie's skin had gone bluish-white, her eyes were closed. Aunt Judith fluttered around her, dabbing at her face with a damp napkin. Damon watched with thoughtful, narrowed eyes. â€Å"She's all right,† Robert said, looking up in obvious relief. â€Å"I think she just fainted. It must have been some kind of hysterical attack.† But Elena didn't breathe again until Bonnie opened groggy eyes and asked what everyone was staring at. It put an effective end to the dinner. Robert insisted that Bonnie be taken home at once, and in the activity that followed Elena found time for a whispered word with Damon. â€Å"Get out!† He raised his eyebrows. â€Å"What?† â€Å"I said, get out! Now! Go. Or I'll tell them you're the killer.† He looked reproachful. â€Å"Don't you think a guest deserves a little more consideration?† he said, but at her expression he shrugged and smiled. â€Å"Thank you for having me for dinner,† he said aloud to Aunt Judith, who was walking past carrying a blanket to the car. â€Å"I hope I can return the favor sometime.† To Elena he added, â€Å"Be seeing you.† Well,that was clear enough, Elena thought, as Robert drove away with a somber Matt and a sleepy Bonnie. Aunt Judith was on the phone with Mrs. McCullough. â€Å"I don't know what it is with these girls, either,† she said. â€Å"First Vickie, now Bonnie†¦ and Elena has not been herself lately†¦Ã¢â‚¬  While Aunt Judith talked and Margaret searched for the missing Snowball, Elena paced. She would have to call Stefan. That was all there was to it. She wasn't worried about Bonnie; the other times this had happened hadn't seemed to do permanent damage. And Damon would have better things to do than harass Elena's friends tonight. He was coming here, to collect for the â€Å"favor† he'd done her. She knew without a doubt that that was the meaning of his final words. And it meant she would have to tell Stefan everything, because she needed him tonight, needed his protection. Only, what could Stefan do? Despite all her pleas and arguments last week, he had refused to take her blood. He'd insisted that his Powers would return without it, but Elena knew he was still vulnerable right now. Even if Stefan were here, could he stop Damon? Could he do it without being killed himself? Bonnie's house was no refuge. And Meredith was gone. There was no one to help her, no one she could trust. But the thought of waiting here alone tonight, knowing that Damon was coming, was unbearable. She heard Aunt Judith click down the receiver. Automatically, she moved toward the kitchen, Stefan's She looked at the floor to ceiling windows and at the elaborate fireplace with its beautifully scrolled molding. This room was part of the original house, the one that had almost completely burned in the Civil War. Her own bedroom was just above. A great light was beginning to dawn. Elena looked at the molding around the ceiling, at where it joined the more modern dining room. Then she almost ran toward the stairs, her heart beating fast. â€Å"Aunt Judith?† Her aunt paused on the stairway. â€Å"Aunt Judith, tell me something. Did Damon go into the living room?† â€Å"What!† Aunt Judith blinked at her in distraction. â€Å"Did Robert take Damon into the living room? Please think, Aunt Judith! I need to know.† â€Å"Why, no, I don't think so. No, he didn't. They came in and went straight to the dining room. Elena, what on earth?†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This last as Elena impulsively threw her arms around her and hugged her. â€Å"Sorry, Aunt Judith. I'm just happy,† said Elena. Smiling, she turned to go back down the stairs. â€Å"Well, I'm gladsomeone's happy, after the way dinner turned out. Although that nice boy, Damon, seemed to enjoy himself. Do you know, Elena, he seemed quite taken with you, in spite of the way you were acting.† Elena turned back around. â€Å"So?† â€Å"Well, I just thought you might give him a chance, that's all. I thought he was very pleasant. The kind of young man I like to see around here.† Elena goggled a moment, then swallowed to keep the hysterical laughter from escaping. Her aunt was suggesting that she take up Damon instead of Stefan†¦ because Damon was safer. The kind of nice young man any aunt would like. â€Å"Aunt Judith,† she began, gasping, but then she realized it was useless. She shook her head mutely, throwing her hands up in defeat, and watched her aunt go up the stairs. Usually Elena slept with her door closed. But tonight she left it open and lay on her bed gazing out into the darkened hallway. Every so often she glanced at the luminous numbers of the clock on the nightstand beside her. There was no danger that she would fall asleep. As the minutes crawled by, she almost began to wish she could. Time moved with agonizing slowness. Eleven o'clock†¦ eleven thirty†¦ midnight. Onea.m. One thirty. Two. At 2:10 she heard a sound. She listened, still lying on her bed, to the faint whisper of noise downstairs. She'd known he would find a way to get in if he wanted. If Damon was that determined, no lock would keep him out. The hallway was dark, but her eyes had had a long time to adjust. She could see the darker silhouette making its way up the stairs. When it reached the top she saw the swift, deadly glimmer of his smile. She waited, unsmiling, until he reached her and stood facing her, with only a yard of hardwood floor between them. The house was completely silent. Across the hall Margaret slept; at the end of the passage, Aunt Judith lay wrapped in dreams, unaware of what was going on outside her door. Damon said nothing, but he looked at her, his eyes taking in the long white nightgown with its high, lacy neck. Elena had chosen it because it was the most modest one she owned, but Damon obviously thought it attractive. She forced herself to stand quietly, but her mouth was dry and her heart was thudding dully. Now was the time. In another minute she would know. She backed up, without a word or gesture of invitation, leaving the doorway empty. She saw the quick flare in his bottomless eyes, and watched him come eagerly toward her. And watched him stop. He stood just outside her room, plainly disconcerted. He tried again to step forward but could not. Something seemed to be preventing him from moving any farther. On his face, surprise gave way to puzzlement and then anger. He looked up, his eyes raking over the lintel, scanning the ceiling on either side of the threshold. Then, as the full realization hit him, his lips pulled back from his teeth in an animal snarl. Safe on her side of the doorway, Elena laughed softly. It had worked. â€Å"My room and the living room below are all that's left of the old house,† she said to him. â€Å"And, of course, that was a different dwelling place. One you werenot invited into, and never will be.† His chest was heaving with anger, his nostrils dilated, his eyes wild. Waves of black rage emanated from him. He looked as if he would like to tear the walls down with his hands, which were twitching and clenching with fury. Triumph and relief made Elena giddy. â€Å"You'd better go now,† she said. â€Å"There's nothing for you here.† One minute more those menacing eyes blazed into hers, and then Damon turned around. But he didn't head for the stairway. Instead, he took one step across the hall and laid his hand on the door to Margaret's room. Elena started forward before she knew what she was doing. She stopped in the doorway, grasping the casing trim, her own breath coming hard. His head whipped around and he smiled at her, a slow, cruel smile. He twisted the doorknob slightly without looking at it. His eyes, like pools of liquid ebony, remained on Elena. â€Å"Your choice,† he said. Elena stood very still, feeling as if all of winter was inside her. Margaret was just a baby. He couldn't mean it; no one could be such a monster as to hurt a four-year-old. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. She saw Damon's hand on the doorknob; she saw those merciless eyes. She was walking through the doorway, leaving behind the only safe place she knew. Death was in the house, Bonnie had said. And now Elena had gone to meet Death of her own free will. She bowed her head to conceal the helpless tears that came to her eyes. It was over. Damon had won. She did not look up to see him advance on her. But she felt the air stir around her, making her shiver. And then she was enfolded in soft, endless blackness, which wrapped around her like a great bird's wings.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Gullivers Travels

Without a doubt, the greatest achievement of Jonathan Swift, the master of irony and satire, is his satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels. Swift wrote his â€Å"travel novel† not to entertain the world, but to inform it. The satirical work was written to show the follies, vices, and the stupidity of mankind, by comparing it to the follies, vices, and stupidity of Swift’s mind’s machinations. It was the belief of the author that by comparing ourselves to others, we might be able to see our own true nature, enabling us to see the foolishness and idiocy in our own lives. The text that best addresses Swift’s thought on seeing who we truly are through comparison can be found in the first chapter of the second book where Lemuel Gulliver is lamenting his second voyage in the light of discovery that men are in fact Lilliputian to other races. Gulliver downheartedly says that, â€Å"nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison.† In the Voyage to Lilliput, Swift begins comparing the political situation of that tiny, island nation to that of England, and how the political structures of both islands have become corrupted, ridiculous, and petty. In Lilliput, much like in England, the offices of courtiers and ministers were not appointed based upon achievement or skill in public service, but upon trivialities, nepotism, and favors. The cruel and ambitious Emperor of Lilliput has no greater desire than to totally destroy Blefescu, the land across the sea, in a war that has long lost any meaning, and enslave its population. This situation is extremely comparable to the long, bloody history between France and England. In Swift’s day, the two European states were on unfriendly terms whenever not at war. The ambition of enslavement can also be compared to the great European powers’ policy of manifest destiny, colonization, rule, and ownership of the â€Å"savages.† In Lilliput the heir to t he â€Å"Delight and Terror of th... Free Essays on Gulliver's Travels Free Essays on Gulliver's Travels Without a doubt, the greatest achievement of Jonathan Swift, the master of irony and satire, is his satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels. Swift wrote his â€Å"travel novel† not to entertain the world, but to inform it. The satirical work was written to show the follies, vices, and the stupidity of mankind, by comparing it to the follies, vices, and stupidity of Swift’s mind’s machinations. It was the belief of the author that by comparing ourselves to others, we might be able to see our own true nature, enabling us to see the foolishness and idiocy in our own lives. The text that best addresses Swift’s thought on seeing who we truly are through comparison can be found in the first chapter of the second book where Lemuel Gulliver is lamenting his second voyage in the light of discovery that men are in fact Lilliputian to other races. Gulliver downheartedly says that, â€Å"nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison.† In the Voyage to Lilliput, Swift begins comparing the political situation of that tiny, island nation to that of England, and how the political structures of both islands have become corrupted, ridiculous, and petty. In Lilliput, much like in England, the offices of courtiers and ministers were not appointed based upon achievement or skill in public service, but upon trivialities, nepotism, and favors. The cruel and ambitious Emperor of Lilliput has no greater desire than to totally destroy Blefescu, the land across the sea, in a war that has long lost any meaning, and enslave its population. This situation is extremely comparable to the long, bloody history between France and England. In Swift’s day, the two European states were on unfriendly terms whenever not at war. The ambition of enslavement can also be compared to the great European powers’ policy of manifest destiny, colonization, rule, and ownership of the â€Å"savages.† In Lilliput the heir to t he â€Å"Delight and Terror of th...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Prophetic, Predictive, Presageful, and Portentous

Prophetic, Predictive, Presageful, and Portentous Prophetic, Predictive, Presageful, and Portentous Prophetic, Predictive, Presageful, and Portentous By Maeve Maddox A reader has asked me to explain the differences between prophetic, predictive, presageful, and portentous. In a very general sense, the words are synonymous. All four are adjectives indicative of the future. Their connotations, however, differ. The adjective prophetic has two meanings: 1. prophetic: â€Å"characteristic of prophecy or a prophet.† For example, King Saul was known to fall into a â€Å"prophetic frenzy,† a mental state usually associated with a prophet. 2. prophetic: â€Å"foretelling events.† For example, Jules Verne (1828-1905) created fictional scenarios that have proved to be prophetic of events and discoveries in our own times. Prophetic often conveys supernatural connotations. The adjective predictive is a simple way to say that something can be predicted or foretold. For example, anyone who has ever browsed an investment flyer has come across this expression: â€Å"Past performance is not predictive of future success.† The adjective presageful derives from the noun presage: â€Å"something that portends, foreshows, or gives warning of that which is about to happen.† Presageful means, â€Å"full of presage.† The verb presage means, â€Å"to predict.† I found this example on a site dedicated to prison reform: â€Å"Two decades after [a former warden’s] presageful caveat, the Louisiana penal system is imploding under the weight of a burgeoning inmate population and a societal mindset that is more retributive than rehabilitational.† Presageful is so uncommon that Word’s spellchecker flags it as a misspelling. Merriam-Webster’s single citation- â€Å"presageful gloom†- is from a convoluted sentence of 101 words spoken by Merlin’s sweetheart Vivien in Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Trust me, this is a word you can do without. The adjective portentous is used with three meanings: 1. portentous: â€Å"relating to a portent.† A portent is a sign thought to predict the future. Etruscans studied the  flight of birds  to foretell the future. Even the number of  birds  was regarded as  portentous. 2. portentous: â€Å"eliciting amazement.† A travel article contains this example: â€Å"In the Grand Forks Valley at the foot of the mountain the portentous wall cuts off entirely the view of the summit.† 3. portentous: â€Å"exhibiting gravity or ponderousness.† A New York Times reviewer uses the word in the sense of inflated or pompous writing: â€Å"To be sure, there were plenty of passages like this in Cold Mountain - prose that somehow managed to be simultaneously portentous, folksy and cloying, like banjo music on the soundtrack of a Ken Burns documentary.†Ã‚   Used with the first meaning given above, portentous often suggests that whatever is being foretold is ominous and to be feared. A Google search of the four words gives the following results: predictive: 44,700,000 prophetic: 17,800,000 portentous: 464,000 presageful: 15,300 The Ngram Viewer shows that predictive and prophetic are far more common than portentous or presageful in printed books. English has so many words that refer to foretelling the future or knowing something without being told that no writer need be at a loss to choose exactly the right one. For example: clairvoyant divinatory farseeing farsighted insightful intuitive perceptive percipient prescient prognostic psychic vatic visionary Here are a few synonyms for portentous: foreboding ill omened inauspicious menacing ominous premonitory threatening unfavorable Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†What is Dative Case?The Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Green Computing Literature Review Research Paper

Green Computing Literature Review - Research Paper Example Since strategy, IT, and business operations are continuously being affected by the green issues, lack of G-readiness can deprive a firm of the opportunities to become increasingly competitive and successful (Molla and Cooper, 2009, p. 20). The aim of this paper is to carry out empirical investigation of the influence of Green IT on the return of investment of businesses. Green IT has been identified as the most important strategic technology of the year 2008 (Thibodeau, 2007). Although plenty of research has been done on the societal role of business, not much has been said about the influence of corporate environmentalism or Green IT policies on the competitiveness of firms and return of investment (Banerjee, 2002, p. 179). The main question that is being researched in the paper is â€Å"To what extent do the green IT policies affect the return of investment of businesses?† The idea of green computing started around 1992 with the launch of Energy Star by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Ruth, 2009, p. 80). There are mixed opinions about the adoption of Green IT in businesses in the contemporary age. While some like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007) foresee huge threats associated with this trend, there are many others e.g. Will (2009) that deny or downplay the estimated or assumed risks. Among the professionals and economists who acknowledge the risks, some lay down the option of either accepting lower living standards so that the climate change can be slowed down or reversed or else, pay the price of making modifications and adjustments according to its effects. Others like President Barack Obama are more optimistic and see the adoption of Green IT as a way to have an economy that is not only more energy efficient but also cleaner as he said, â€Å"We will put Americans to work in new jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced—jobs building solar panels and wind turbines; constructing fuel-efficient cars a nd buildings; and developing the new energy technologies that will lead to even more jobs, more savings, and a cleaner, safer planet in the bargain† (Obama, 2009 cited in Dedrick, 2010, p. 175). The community of information systems has started to seriously consider the importance of the role of IT in the creation as well as reduction of global warming. Dick and Burns (2011) carried out an exploratory study to determine the extent to which small businesses in North Georgia were utilizing the Green IT and also to identify the factors that are motivating or discouraging them to use Green IT, and found that although small businesses know the opportunities and possibilities associated with the Green IT practices, there is huge variation in the take-up. To date, most of the activity and discussion has been focused on the minimization of the direct impacts of IT on the environment by increasing the energy efficiency of the personal computing equipment and data centers. Organizations are feeling a strong incentive to adopt them because of the tendency of these efforts to cause a direct reduction of the costs associated with IT. A lot of research work is being done to introduce new and efficient ways of integration of Green IT in the work setup. Desai and Bhatia (2011) have introduced a Green IT Maturity Model (GITM) that can be used for the assessment as well as implementation of the services

Friday, November 1, 2019

SEE THE ATTACHMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SEE THE ATTACHMENT - Essay Example Due to factors of its formation, hydraulic fracturing has faced critics between different groups of scientist especially the environmentalists and the miners of the United States of America. A number of bills have been passed to criticise and support this kind of method. I guess it is time for a push for these bills to be passed since manufacturers and miners have caused a lot of health complication and environmental degradation but a proper punishment have not been given to these polluters. Discussion First call; supportive argument Surely by now people living around mine field’s area none of you can deny that hydraulic fracturing has been the major cause of air pollution. Institution like the University of Arizona is supporting the use of hydraulic fracturing. In Beijing on 27th of November 2013, authorities in the capital destroyed more than 500 open air barbecues due to small particulate matters in the air that can enter deep into lungs causing health difficulty (abc News) . In a survey published by environmentalists group, 86% of those polled said that air pollution have caused health complication, 40% reported that environmental degradation have been highly caused by hydraulic fracturing. ... The university group can therefore develop various ways to improve the air quality while maintaining the hydraulic fracturing method. The environment department of the university call consider bringing together a group of experts to participate in the discussion of the risk involved in hydraulic fracturing. Â   Scientific research team from the group recently formed in the University of Arizona, the GREEN (Greening Research, Education and Environment Network) can develop research study that can help determine the impact of hydraulic fracturing and its effect to air and water pollution. The group can come up with various proof as to what cause the environmental air pollution apart from the hydraulic fracturing at the same time they can determine certain element that pin hydraulic fracturing as the source of air pollution. They as well can figure out the fact found in the research carried out in 1997, where an important study appeared in the New England Journal of medicine, the author s, Donald Redelmeier and Robert Tibshirani studied around 700 volunteers who made health as a study subject to the hydraulic fracturing effect to the environment. The participants agreed to report any non-fatal collision in which they were involved in during the research; the researchers then assessed the dangers involved with air pollution. The result was that people who were close to the mines and industries were highly exposed to the effects of air pollution fracking. Groups have argued differently, the scientist from different countries have argued that the reservoir stimulation through the hydraulic fracture is a critical element in unlocking geothermal potential energy

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Traditional Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Traditional Marketing - Essay Example Traditional marketing is in effect focused on markets and products, giving little consideration to customers - what they want and need, how they buy and when. Adrian Payne (1991) notes that "traditional marketing concentrates on product features, has minimal interest in customer service, limited customer contact, and where quality is primarily a concern of production." The marketing mix approach is "too limited to provide a usable framework for assessing and developing customer relationships in many industries and should be replaced by an alternative model in which the focus is on customers and relationships (Gordon, I., 1999)." For these reasons, not a few companies soon found traditional marketing ineffective in selling consumer products. If sales were made at all, the level does not warrant the expense sunk in the traditional marketing tools such as radio, TV and outdoor ads as well as trade shows and direct mail. Gradually, it was acknowledged that traditional marketing is not suitable for selling relatively low-value products to the broad masses of customers. In this case, the sales income is often not commensurate with the advertising and promotional costs. In the search for a marketing system that would broaden the product scope and concentrate on how to retain customers instead of simply attracting customers to products and services, marketing experts came up with the idea o... The earliest users of the term relationship marketing included Len Berry (1983) and Jag Sheth at Emory. Theodoro Levitt (1983) of Harvard subsequently expanded the initial concept to cover activities beyond individual transactions. Customer retention is at the heart of relationship marketing. Unlike the traditional marketing approach, which goes by one-shot individual transactions, relationship marketing seeks to build longer-term relationships with the customers. Thus, it calls for ways to understand the customer's needs as they go through their life cycle and provides a range of products or services as the customers need these at each cycle. In short, keeping the customers forever (Gordon, I., 1999). The idea of seeking to provide the customer's specific needs at each phase of his life led to the development of relationship marketing. Increased profitability is the common objective of both the traditional and relationship marketing strategies but the most glaring difference is that one makes a sale and then moves on to another prospect, while the other stays with one customer longer to attend to all his needs. This is service marketing at work, which means servicing the customer's necessities from childhood to adolescence, from middle age to his senior years. Less Cost, More Benefits The advantage of relationship marketing is that despite the expanded scope and longer attention span provided by the companies to customers, the cost of retaining an existing customer is said to be about 10 per cent less than the cost required in acquiring a new customer. Moreover, the company derived other benefits such as referrals. (Wikipedia)