Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Err Booklet Free Essays

ERR Booklet Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai – Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of information you could use to enable you to do this. We will write a custom essay sample on Err Booklet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Direct. gov website Citizens advice Existing company handbook Aii – List three aspects of employment covered by law Work Conditions (safety, discrimination, accommodation, etc. ) Wages Hours ) List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage Training Holiday entitlements Aiii – Briefly outline why employment law exists. Employment law exists to safeguard the interests of both employers and employees. We understand that this particular area of law is continually developing and it is of critical importance to keep abreast of evolving legislation. Bi – Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of Employment or employment agreement )Job description – defining the role, responsibility level (eg Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant etc). It might include limits on decision making/to whom one reports/is supervised by. 2) Entitlement – rate of pay, holiday entitlement, retirement and ill-health b enefits, bonus/overtime rates, uniform and/expenses allowances, canteen facilities, etc. 3) Responsibilities: working hours, dress code, reporting illness/absence, annual assessments, complaints procedures, notice periods for leaving/dismissal, requirements to change working hours. )General: Depending on the type of job, there might be other conditions restricting the employee taking other part-time work, confidentiality clauses, using company equipment for private use (eg phones, computers, vehicles) general codes of behaviour and adherence to certain corporate practices, health safety regulations, etc. The actual format of the contract will vary from company to company. Some will cover more general matters in a Staff Handbook which the employee is required to read and confirm he/she has done so Bii – Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement: Employee’s name Tax code National Insurance Nett pay Payment of overtime, bonus’s or tips Date Company name Payment method Payment period Biii – Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Address Bank detail Biv – Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. 1) Firstly, write to your employer setting out all the details of your grievance. ) Meet with your employer. Your employer should then arrange a meeting to discuss your issue and look at possible resolutions. It is your legal right to take a companion to this meeting, such as a colleague, a trade union representative or trade union official. This companion may speak on your behalf, but may not answer questions on your behalf. 3) Appeal your employer’s decision. After the meeting has taken place, your employer should write to you in a timely fashion with a decision on how your rievance will be resolved. If you are unsatisfied with this decision, then you have the right to appeal. This appeal should again be made in writing, and your employer must arrange another meeting. Bv – Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas: Without a job description how would you apply for a job, both you and your employer need to know the perimeters that you will work to be able to determine: the responsibility; the type and class of work you will do and pay scales. Unions will always never agree to working conditions that are not safe or health and safety valued,, however, the employer has a right to expect that when you are working in a firm that your time is productive so implementing ways of working by the use of ‘Time and Motion’ studies is not regarded as being taboo. That is why it is essential that there is communication between employer and employee or the employee’s representative, the Union. How to cite Err Booklet, Papers

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