Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sociology A Down- To- Earth Approach - 993 Words

In today’s society, norms are expected by everyone. According to the book Essentials of Sociology a Down- To- Earth Approach, Hansen states that norms are expectations of right† behavior (Hansen, 2014). There are also two forms of norms that may be strictly enforced or not. There is folkways and mores. Folkways are norms that aren’t strictly enforced while mores are strictly enforced for essential thought to care values or the well-being of a group (Hansen, 2014). Along with a norm and the two types, there may also be reactions to it. These reactions may be positive or negative and termed as sanctions. Sanctions are either expressions of an approval given to people for upholding norms or expression of disapproval for violating them (Hansen, 2014). In conducting a norm experiment, the terms were put to a test. The experiment consisted of an observed norm violation and an individual norm violation. The experiments resulted in what I had hypothesized. My hypothesis c onsisted of sanctions of the norms that were conducted. In the observe norm violation experiment, it was concluded to result in negative sanction. The experiment consisted of a friend of mine and I ordering our lunch at In n Out. It was my friend, Denise’s turn to order her meal. Denise ordered a double- double with no cheese, no thousand island spread, a single patty and only onions, tomatoes, and lettuce. The employee looked at her in a dumbfound manner and confirmed her ordered as a hamburger. Denise was notShow MoreRelatedThe Major Theories of Sociology Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesSymbolic Interactionism In the field of sociology, sociologists use many different theories to base their ideas and observations on; however, the three major theories that are used are symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. It is these three theories that will be the focus of this paper. To begin with, we will start with symbolic interactionism. 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